Deep well pumps or Borehole pumps have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their widespread use. A borehole submersible pump has been a necessity in some regions due to the lack of sufficient/scattered rainfall, and insufficient water sources. In this scenario, it is necessary to extract the groundwater using a deep well submersible pump.
Unlike most water pumps placed on land and draw water to the surface, deep well pumps are installed underwater and force water to rise to the surface. Borehole pumps can be relied upon to deliver high-quality results while using less energy than other methods of drawing water to the surface. Some of the deep well pump applications are irrigation, pumping water from wells and borewells, construction and building and industrial application, oil extraction and so on.
CRI Fuilds Philippines has a large collection of Deepwell pumps catering to the cities of Metro manila, Cebu,Davao,Cogayan de oro,Caloocan.These borehole pumps can be used for a wide range of commercial and domestic purposes. Our expert team in Philippines will guide the selection of the best deep well pumps.

Frequently Asked Questions
What factors to consider while buying deep well submersible pumps?
Size of the borehole, the head, outlet size, discharge rate, cooling system and construction material are some of the factors to consider before buying a deep well submersible pump.
In what ways are borehole pumps advantageous?
(a). Priming is not necessary as deep well pumps remain submerged
(b). Borehole pumps are energy efficient.